Sunday, January 11, 2009

Fat Ethiopian on Calling the Doctor before starting a new Diet

The other day, I was listening to the radio and the disclaimer at the end of a health ad stated that before we start any kind of diet or exercise program, we should consult our Physician.

Does anybody else see the problem with this... I cannot imagine calling up my doctor to ask her permission/advice before a 30 minute power walk or ordering a salad instead of a burger and fries. If this is really the case my doctor needs some kind of 24 hour crisis line.

*Ring, Ring *
"Yeah, Hi! Helen again... Look... I know that it is 3am, but I am hungry and I was just about to eat some organic baby carrots with fat free ranch dressing ... I know, I know, I know, I swear I only had one! ... Can't you just wake her up this once and see ... listen if it's too much trouble I am just going to go ahead and have a Little Debbie snack. No, really... it is no problem at all, I've got the Zebra Cakes right here! ... Okay, Good Night!"

"Hi Doc... listen I am going out with some friends for lunch, how does Salad World sound? ... You're right, too drastic! I will put my foot down and say you know what, I have to have the chicken fingers basket because of my health! ... I want to live! ... Thanks Doc, you always know what's best! "

Really America!

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